Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Tree falls in the woods, if nobody is around does it make a sound ???

Good question unsure of the answer. 

But same applies to blog I guess - I'll rattle on until someone hears me or comments they've heard a sound of me falling over. 

Back to this post - WESTERFOLDIANS 

Great little group made up of majority of the fine people from my Parkrun on a Saturday morning, I like being involved as Westerfolds Park is a fabulous place to go for a run with the paths and routes you can take along with the wildlife such as the birds and the odd grazing kangaroo. 

You can always find a new 20km, 10km, 5km route to be marked out - I even made up a nice little 3.5km route for when I'm feeling a little lazy.

As soon to be Dad, this group means I can sort out a run at my favourite park - but not always on a Saturday at 8am. And I'm all about flexible training!

So if you live in the area, like to run - or you're passing by and want a run drop us a line I'm sure someone will join you for a run. 

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